Top 20 Over 40 Beauty Blog to Follow

You might think that a lot of beauty blogs target younger audiences, but that’s not always the case. There are a plethora of over 40 beauty blogs that you can start following right away. That’s amazing because there are always new things to learn about your body, looks and how you can improve them once you are over 40. Here are some great blogs you can follow.

Hot and Flashy

The blog is very good because it gives a ton of info as well as interesting and detailed tutorials and other creative content. On top of that, it goes beyond just makeup. You also have ways to improve your diet, exercising routine, outfit ideas and many others. If you really want to improve your look and push it to the next level, this is by far one of the best blogs to check out. The content is great and the attention to detail is incredible. Plus, there’s always new content to check out as well, and plenty of stuff to learn.

Silver Londoner

With this blog, you get to learn more about men’s styling and looks over 40. It’s a very interesting way of learning new things, trying out new looks and it does provide you with tons of cool insights and ideas. You don’t have to stick to an older look, there are ways to expand that and try stuff out, which is why it’s well worth exploring this particular blog.

Lisa Eldridge

Lisa’s expertise is legendary and she always promotes only top of the line skincare products. If you truly want to enhance your look and push it to the next level, then you definitely owe her a follow. There’s so much stuff you can learn from her when it comes to skincare, especially regarding quality products and it goes beyond people that are 40.

Dr. Sandra Lee

Obviously a lot of people know Sandra as the Dr Pimple Popper, but aside from those videos, she also creates really good blog posts for her website. She does a very good job when it comes to teaching you about skincare, products you can use, and how you can avoid skin issues. All in all, there’s a wealth of knowledge that you can find in her blogs, and it’s one of those great beauty bloggers you do not want to miss.


It’s never easy to find comprehensive, high quality beauty content for people over 40. This blog does that with great success, and it has a lot of content from tutorials to lifestyle content, skincare, makeup and many others. There’s always something to learn from beauty enthusiasts and professionals, and the quality of this content is very hard to match. Not only that, but there’s a lot of attention to detail and skincare content to boot.

Never Say Die Beauty

While it caters to women over 40 in particular, this beauty blog has pretty much everything you need. It has detailed content, comprehensive information, an astounding set of informative pieces, along with a ton of creative guidelines and ideas. It’s pretty much the ultimate beauty blog that you want to follow, very creative and full of outstanding ideas.

Makeup Obsessed Mom

Moms can find it very hard to improve their look and they are the ones that try to cut time from everyday life to try out new things. That’s why the blog is a great resource, because it’s empowering, it focuses a lot on traveling and beauty, makeup, tutorials and many others. Simply put, it’s one of those blogs that will help improve your look and take it to the next level, while also being very engaging and empowering at the same time. All in all, there’s a ton to learn about beauty here, and you can shine even if you’re over 40.


One of the best things about this blog is that it constantly gives you ideas when it comes to what type of beauty products to use, what would fit your needs the most, how can you enhance your style and so on. The content is very engaging, creative and it helps push the boundaries in a very effective and easy to understand manner.

Stephanie Marie Blogs

Just like all the other bloggers above, Stephanie does a very good job at helping women feel good about themselves. It can be difficult to find that perfect outfit or incredible look when you get past a certain age. That’s where Stephanie Marie does an excellent job, because she shows you how to push your look to the next level, while adding that extra touch of creativity.

Older, Wiser, Hotter

Just because you are over 40, that doesn’t mean you need to feel old. Instead, you are in your prime and this blog helps you empower that. It offers you the means to not only push your limits, but also take your style to the next level. The advantage of this blog is that it’s unbiased, it offers great advice, and the content shown here is very useful. There’s a lot that you can learn from this blog, and that’s why we find it to be exceptional, detailed and handy for a lot of people.

Glam and Uncensored

The blog does a very good job at educating women over 40 on how to improve their look and enhance it in a way that’s healthy and creative. The amazing content here is very engaging, and there are some tutorials to boot as well. When it comes to choosing great healthcare and beauty products, women over 40 tend to be a lot more challenged when compared to others. There are so many options, and choosing the best one is never simple. Thankfully, the process itself becomes easier if you have the right knowledge and expertise. That’s what this blog delivers, and it’s totally worth checking out.

Not Dressed as Lamb

While the name of this blog might not be in line with the content, there’s definitely a lot of cool stuff to learn here. The fact that you can identify a plethora of great skincare, lifestyle and fashion content pieces is what makes this blog stand out. Also, the blog creator has a very inquisitive, quirky style that goes hand in hand with the beauty blogging world. It’s definitely not your run of the mill beauty blog for sure, and you are bound to find it incredibly interesting. Plus, there’s a ton of stuff to learn here, and you will certainly find it a lot of fun!

As a whole, this entire list of beauty bloggers over 40 shows one thing: you can look incredible and push the boundaries of your style to the next level without a problem regardless of your age. In fact, for many women, reaching the age of 40 is just the beginning. That’s why it makes sense to follow some of these bloggers, just because there’s so much stuff you can learn from them. It’s a great idea to check out their content, since you can find out all kinds of tips, tricks and recommendations!

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