Is celery juice good for your health? Does it have health benefits? Does it cure acne, thyroid, obesity, and other conditions? Well, the claims might sound questionable but a few are backed by science.
Celery belongs to the carrot family. It has a good amount of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. This is why people are more inclined towards consuming celery juice. Let’s get to know some amazing benefits of celery juice along with its nutritional benefits.
Is Celery Juice Good For Your Health?
Absolutely yes! Celery leaves, seeds, and stalks are packed with nutritional benefits. It has two main antioxidants. These are luteolin and apigenin. They are cancer-fighting compounds. These lower the health risks.
The celery juice had polyacetylenes. It has chemoprotective compounds that enable it to lessen toxicity and improve immunity. It slows down the proliferation of mutated cells.
Nutrition of Celery Juice
As celery juice has less fiber than celery stalk, it is packed highly with nutrients. A single serving can get you more nutrients than a celery stalk.
As per a few types of research, a 240 ml of celery juice has the following nutritional values:
- Calories: 42.5
- Sugar: 5 grams
- Carbs: 9.5 grams
- Protein: 2 grams
- Calcium: 8% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Vitamin A: 7% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 74% of the DV
- Sodium: 9% of the DV
- Magnesium: 7% of the DV
- Vitamin C: 16% of the DV
- Phosphorus: 5% of the DV
- Potassium: 14% of the DV
Celery Juice Is Hydrating
Remaining hydrated is very important for the overall functioning of the body. It is especially important during the current summer season where heat-waves have added to the difficulty. However, people don’t consume enough water every day.
Celery juice primarily contains water which will keep you hydrated for a long time. It is important as Celery has many nutrients such as Biotin, copper, zinc, antioxidants, folate, and B vitamins. It also has other nutrients like potassium, calcium, Vitamin K, C, and A. You can consume it as a part of a healthy diet. The nutrients and water content will together maintain the body temperature, kidney health, waste excretion, brain function, blood pressure, and nutrient delivery.
Anti-inflammatory Benefits
Intake of anti-inflammatory juice is important to keep the immune system functioning properly.
Celery Juice has phytonutrients. These are plant compounds that lessen inflammation. These function as antioxidants. It helps in reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress happens when free radicals collect in your body. These are the unstable molecules that cause health issues.
The juice which is rich in antioxidants leads to a lower risk of heart diseases, cancers, diabetes, and obesity. It also gives clear and glowing skin.
- Fights Allergies
Rhinitis and asthma are a few inflammatory diseases that affect the respiratory system. Luteolin can lessen allergic response and inflammation.
- Rich in Fiber
Celery juice is made of plant compounds that improve overall health. When celery juice is prepared, the fiber is strained out. We all know that we need to consume fiber to keep our gut clean, right? You can do this by consuming fiber-rich juice. This will be beneficial for gut health and proven digestive health.
- Maintains Liver Health
Celery juice benefits the Liver. It enhances the functioning of liver function by improving the formation of enzymes. Many studies have also shown that celery juice helps lessen the fat build-up in the liver.
The nutrients in the body by consuming celery juice will protect the liver. It will help the liver in the production of enzymes that enable it to remove fat and toxins.
- Maintains Good Cardiovascular Health
CR (Cardiovascular Remodeling) is the change in the size, function, shape, and structure of the heart. It leads to heart diseases. Over time, cardiovascular remodeling lessens the ability of the muscles of heart muscle. It intensifies the danger of heart failure. Free radicals also play a vital role in this process.
Luteolin in celery juice lessens cardiovascular remodeling because of its antioxidant properties. It limits heart damage by curbing free radicals.
- Facilitates Good Stomach Health
The celery juice also facilitates stomach acid which is very essential to breaking down food. This is mainly important in protein breakdown in the stomach. People who have a high consumption of protein should essentially consume celery juice.
An upset stomach needs more effort to digest the food. This will keep you feeling lethargic and tired. Celery juice activates and brings the gut back to its normal condition by restoring the hydrochloric acid level in the gut. This helps in the faster digestion of food. It helps in digesting the food more efficiently and absorbing minerals and nutrients better.
Celery juice comes with benefits which will replenish the gastric mucus in the intestine. This is an essential part of the stomach lining. This helps in the prevention of ulcers and acid reflux.
- A Good Option for Sugar Beverages
Celery juice has less sugar than other beverages. A cup of celery juice has about 5 grams of natural sugar. Other sugar beverages like energy drinks, packaged coffee, and soda have around 50% artificial sugar. These drinks can amount to 500 extra calories daily. Drinking celery nicely will eliminate your extra sugar intake.
Final Words
If you wish to lower the inflammation in the body, celery juice should be your go-to drink. It has less sugar and is very hydrating. It can be a great alternative for people who prefer sugar beverages. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help fight free radicals, and slow the aging process.
Many research shows that celery juice enables lower high blood pressure. It enhances the flow of potassium and calcium smoothly in cells. It also acts as a muscle relaxant. This helps the blood vessels to contract and expand with considerable ease.
If you have a sensitive digestive system or irritable bowel system, celery juice might not suit you. This is because of the fermentable starches. These are called FODMAPs. This leads to discomfort and bloating.
Celery juice is a refreshing juice. It is a good option for a healthy food routine. Give it a try and see the promising health benefits!