My Beauty Blog Income Report – How I made $10k Annually

Starting a beauty blog was quite the idea a few years ago, and it was something that I did out of passion. Being able to talk about makeup, beauty products, but also recommend the stuff I use every day was extremely appealing to me. And I know that a lot of people find it difficult to pick the best products in this niche. There are a ton of them, and it’s super challenging to narrow down the exact option that may or may not fit your needs.

In my case, the idea of starting a blog was all about connecting with others, learning from them, but also sharing my knowledge. I’ve been very passionate about blogging from a really young age, and I know how hard it can be for everyone to share their ideas, connect with others and just have fun for a change. It’s definitely a tricky thing, but at the end of the day it can be just as exciting and rewarding.

With that in mind, I never realized that blogging can also bring in a stellar way to boost your finances. As I said, I always thought of my blog as a passion project. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought that I would be able to sustain myself financially and my family with this project. I certainly wanted to and thought that I might be able to do it, but it’s not an easy task. If anything, for most people, blogging is peculiar and it can be tricky. So having multiple $10k months in a row is amazing for me.

How much money did I make in the beginning?

When I started my blog, the first thing that I focused on was to make a name for myself. There are plenty of people who work in the beauty industry that are obviously going to have a lot more growth and attention from others. And that’s why I never took this kind of stuff for granted. I worked very hard to share my ideas, and truly focused on making a name for myself. But it was not an easy feat to achieve.

That’s why the first few months I didn’t make a dime. I was not monetizing my blog or anything like that. Instead my focus was on gaining the trust of my audience, offering them creative and very good content that they can agree with and rely on. Yes, it was not an easy thing to achieve. But it definitely showed everyone that I am here to stay, I have the knowledge people expect from a beauty blogger, and I genuinely want to help everyone.

Was that difficult? Of course, but when you start your blog as a passion project, you kind of expect that. The blog won’t have your entire attention and you work on it when you can. I was amazed however that after a few months, once I started adding monetization via ads and other methods, it soon started earning more and more.

All of a sudden, my blog was generating $50, $100, or even $200. I was very happy that I got some supplemental income from talking about the stuff I love. A lot of people would just stop there and not move on. I decided to go the exact opposite direction. My focus here was to create the best possible beauty blog that I was able to. That was not going to be easy, because there are so many competitors.

Yet I realized that if I share content that people love and which identify with, the process becomes a whole lot easier. For me, beauty has always been my innate passion, so it’s natural to write about this topic. It was a great approach to not only share my passion, but also connect with other people that like what I cover.

How did my income increase?

The important thing for me was to try and focus on boosting my income as much as I could, while still remaining the genuine, good ol’ me that people appreciate and whose content they read often. So at first, I had very small checks, $50, $100, but I stayed consistent and posted every week, sometimes every day. I think the best thing for me was keeping up with and covering trends. Yes, covering trends is a good idea and it can actually help you stand out.

After all, people are always looking for the new stuff and opinions about it. I was and still am that person that covers trends, no matter if it’s makeup, clothing, or anything in between. I think that’s a crucial part of what a blogger should do, even if it does take a bit of a trial and error to narrow some of things down. And now, when I earn $10k a month consistently, I truly feel a great sense of passion and happiness just seeing the fruits of my labor.

It did take a while, so if you get started as a blogger, don’t expect your website to earn a ton right away. However, once you stay with it and don’t give up, that’s when it will shine. It worked for me, and I am sure it will work for others.

Methods I use to monetize my blog

If you want to earn a good income from blogging, I think diversifying the monetization methods is very important. I know a lot of bloggers use only ads, but you are missing out. Here are the methods I use, and which you can check out for yourself.

  • Ads are and always will be active on my blog, because they are a good way of generating income. I earn $1000 via ads alone on a very good day, maybe half in an average month. But it’s definitely going to be a good income source.
  • Affiliate marketing is also helpful, way more than expect. Over $2000 out of the 10k are from promoting affiliate products. I only receive a commission when you click on the products I talk about, and I genuinely appreciate all the support. Remember, I only promote products that I believe in, and which I tested and used on my own.
  • Digital products are also something I sell on my blog as well. I decided to not only promote products created by others, but also create my own course, templates, and even wrote a book. All of these add up to $6000 or sometimes more, so it’s definitely a great way to monetize your blog.
  • Sponsorships and guest posts are also a good way to boost your income. Once you get enough traffic, there will be people interested in getting links from you. That might not seem like a lot at first, but all those things add up. And that’s why I think it’s a very good way to boost your income as a blogger. Yes, it takes a bit of time, but it’s well worth it.


I am very grateful for all the support you guys offered my during all these years. I couldn’t be where I am today without your appreciation, help and assistance. I love our community and it means the world to me that I can help even a single person make the right product choices or make them smile with my posts. I also encourage everyone to start blogging, share their passions, because if it ended up making me $10k a month, it will work for you too!

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